I offer personal coaching to help you discover and value your TRUE SELF. These sessions give you a space to be yourself and the freedom to talk about anything that is important to you and in the process uncover your natural abilities and passions. Recognizing what these are will help you figure out the next steps and direction you want to go in your life.

It’s easy to lose sight of what you really care about and enjoy doing in the midst of the pressures of school, performing academically, others expectations of you and figuring out what’s next as you transition into adulthood. Having a personal coach serves as a guide to help you stay true to yourself and find your happy path in life.

We do this together by

  • Practicing listening to your own instincts
  • Learning to trust yourself
  • Finding what truly makes you happy
  • Putting aside what others think of you and comparing yourself to others i.e. assessments, grades, social media etc. and learning to embrace and value yourself just as you are
  • Believing in yourself and seeing your own gifts
  • Exploring your natural skills and abilities and how you could put them to use in the real world


“ If you would like to schedule a complimentary call to find out more, please contact me" HERE.