I offer Talent Discovery sessions to help uncover a young person’s natural gifts and abilities. Once these are recognized, new and exciting possibilities open up for careers and meaningful ways they can use their gifts in the community as the young person transitions into adulthood.

How it works

The young person invites people who know them well such as family members, friends, teachers and other important people in their lives to their meeting. During the meeting participants are invited to share about the special qualities, skills and abilities they see within this person.

In the second half, we brainstorm types of continuing education, training and career paths that match the young person’s natural talents and interests. We network within the group to identify professionals in those fields who the young person can connect with.

These perspectives help the young person learn more about who they are as a unique, individual with skills to contribute to society and open up new possibilities for their future.


Home Visits – meet and spend time with your child in their home environment to get to know their interests and who they are as a person.

approx. 3 hrs.

School Visits – join your child in their school environment to get to know their interests and who they are as a person in the educational setting.

approx. 3 hrs.

Talent Discovery Sessions – with family and friends and school teams (can have these together or separately)

approx. 4 hrs.

Talent Discovery Write-Up – write up of all information gathered in the Talent Discovery Process and Ideas/Recommendations.

approx. 3 hrs.

Creating a Vision with young person and their family (approx. 2 hrs.)

approx. 1 hrs.

Action Plan Development and Write-up with young person and their family (approx. 2 hrs.)

approx. 1 hrs.

Assisting Young Person and Their Team to Create Connections With Community Businesses or Places Identified in Talent Discovery Process

approx. 5 hrs.

Ongoing Support (if requested)


“ If you would like to schedule a complimentary call to find out more, please contact me" HERE.